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2022 So Far…

two vending machines

2022 So Far…

Livewell has been really busy in 2022 so far. As always, our goal is to refuel lifestyles, maximise productivity, whilst offering a great experience for our clients and their customers. We want to ensure that we deliver fantastic vending solutions bespoke to each of our client’s needs. 

Sixth Form Vending Machine Installation

Improving Student Lifestyles

More than anything we wanted to showcase some of the vending installations we have implemented so far in this year. This fantastic hydration station in a sixth form in a Bradford looks great, fits nicely in the available space, and offers students the chance to pick up a quick drink on the way to their next class, or to wind down during their free periods.

All the machines

Fully Managed Sixth Form

This sixth form decided that they wanted a full set of vending machines installed. From left to right, there is a snack vending machine, drinks vending machine, and automatic coffee vending machine, all featuring contactless payment options and our sleek branding look. We were more than happy to implement this high level of comfort culture for these students and teachers.

drink and snack vending machine

The Glasshouse: Refuel and Go

Meanwhile, situated in the heart of Nottingham city centre, The Glasshouse is only a short walk to Nottingham Trent University and a short bus journey to The University of Nottingham. We managed to tuck in a couple of vending machines in the corner of their laundry room. This snack machine is kitted out with a touchscreen feature including an antibacterial microfilm to increase cleanliness, and our drinks machine has an arm that reaches and grabs your drink for you, instead of dropping it and getting rid of all that fizz.

Vending Machines have been installed

Apartment Refreshments 24/7

A great achievement for Livewell is our recent implementation of these coffee, snack, and drink vending machines within the Saffron Court Apartment building. These high-quality apartments need high quality machines, and these machines placed in the reception area are situated in the perfect position to grab snacks, drinks, or a cup of coffee on the go, or as you get back home.

If you like what you see here and want to implement a vending solution within your organisation feel free to contact us, or have a look below at some more pics!

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What to Consider When Choosing an Office Coffee Machine

So, you’re thinking about providing an office coffee machine or upgrading your current offering. There’s more to consider than you may initially think!

 The UK coffee culture has evolved in the past twenty years. As it has become increasingly sophisticated, the expectations of consumers have also increased in terms of the quality of coffee on offer no matter where they might be. This includes employees and visitors within the workplace who now seek a better quality and broader choice.

The days of simply asking ‘milk and sugar?’ following the acceptance of coffee are long behind us. Now a choice of strength, drink type, milk type and even of hot or iced is expected if you want to make employees feel valued or create a good first impression on visitors. The array of coffee beans and drink types available is now huge. From Robusta to Arabica, and Cappuccino to Macchiato, the knowledge required around coffee has also increased.

The Benefits of an Office Coffee Machine

Thankfully commercial coffee machines have also evolved, allowing businesses to meet these expectations. Indeed, the availability of good quality coffee in the workplace is highly valued by staff who see it as an important part of the facilities and their routine during the working day.

Entice Staff Back to the Office

A legacy of the pandemic is a hybrid working model with employees working in the office much less than before. What better way to encourage staff back to the office than provide an enticing and rewarding coffee experience?

No Need to Leave the Building

Not only can this incentivise them to visit the office more often, but a decent coffee provision will also see them stay on-site during the day, without the need to leave the office to visit coffee chains on the high street.

Feeling Valued

 With record inflation and the fact two-thirds (66%) of employees in the UK believe that the employee benefits offered to them are equal to or more important than their basic salary, the provision of subsidised or free coffee shop quality drinks can be a small part of an overall benefits package which may help with recruitment and retention.

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Office Coffee Machine Considerations

 Whatever office size you have, we can supply a commercial office coffee machine that will delight your staff. There are a number of key decisions to make to ensure the investment you make is right for you.

Office Headcount

  • How many staff do you have in the office on a typical working day?

This is a key determinant of the size and capacity of the machine you will require.

Price Point

  • Are you looking to offer free coffee to all staff all day?
  • Do you want to offer each employee a certain number of free drinks per week?
  • Do you want the coffee to be chargeable and, if so, what price will you charge?

Our equipment can be configured to suit all these arrangements.

Coffee Quality

We have solutions that take you from Good to Better to Best, so you can choose the option that best suits your workplace and budget.

  • A Good option will be an office coffee machine that uses granulated coffee ingredients (we prefer Lavazza Prontissimo) and granulated milk powder. This will quickly produce a decent drink with a menu of different choices at a value price point in terms of equipment and ingredients.
  • A Better option moves up a level by a commercial machine incorporating a coffee grinder. This means that your machine can deliver enhanced flavour as a result of using your freshly ground coffee beans of choice.
  • The Best option will come from choosing a machine that not only uses fresh beans but also fresh milk. A milk fridge sits alongside the bean-to-cup coffee machine, and, with the right type of equipment, you can produce a full range of coffees to match the very best barista-served coffee.

Machine Location

  • Do you have a location in mind for your coffee machine?
  • How big is the space?
  • Is there a worktop?
  • Do you have a cold-water feed?

Machines are much easier to maintain with a main supply of cold water, although alternatively a storage tank can be supplied if required. Even better if you have a wastewater outlet too, although not essential. And if you don’t have a worktop then we can supply you with standard and bespoke coffee cabinets as well as built-in tower units.

Machine Cleaning

  • Do you have a nominated person who can take responsibility for the cleaning and maintenance of the machine?
  • Do you have a backup?

The maintenance mainly involves restocking the machine with ingredients, and we will show you how to do this at installation. The cleaning is typically once a day and is important to maintain a good quality of coffee, to preserve the life of the machine and avoid faults, and of course to ensure food safety. Again, clear instructions will be provided at the point of installation.

Machine Maintenance

  • What about when there is a machine fault?

We can provide maintenance agreements to ensure peace of mind so that we can be on hand to visit the office and carry out repairs when required.

Ingredients and Consumables

What size cups will you use?

Will everyone use china cups, or do you need disposable paper cups and lids?

Where will you source the coffee beans or powder and the fresh or powdered milk?

Do you need sugar sachets for those with a sweeter tooth and stirring sticks?

It is very important to ensure that, on installation, the equipment is set up to suit your needs. All of the coffee ingredients and consumables can be purchased from Livewell’s online store, on trade terms, making it nice and easy.

Contact Livewell now and we can review your office arrangements and take you through the office coffee machine options available to meet your budget and preferences. Your office colleagues will be very grateful to you for sourcing and providing a first-rate coffee service!

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Livewell Vending’s Managing Director Lands on Planet Vending

Planet vending

Aaron Prout, the Managing Director of Livewell Vending, recently appeared in an article on the Planet Vending website.

The article discusses the benefits of partnering with Televend and the advantages Livewell Vending has benefited from incorporating their telemetry system. Topics which are discussed in the article include:

  • How Livewell Vending adopted a retail approach to vending and has expanded from predominantly supplying schools to having a presence across all sectors
  • How the range of services has expanded to include coffee machines, water coolers and micro-markets
  • How Livewell Vending has a young, dynamic, and innovative approach to vending which includes solutions such as touchscreens, contactless payments and telemetry
  • How adopting Televend telemetry has helped optimise sales and performance by providing real-time data. Enabling Livewell Vending to prioritise tasks and minimise the loss of opportunity e.g. eliminating unnecessary site visits and reducing operator time

To read the full article on Planet Vending, go to:

To read more of our blogs you can click here, or if you are interested in finding a solution for yourself you can go through our solution wizard, or if you prefer you can get in contact with us.

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Co-Lab: The Technological Heart of Harrogate

Co-Lab sign

The Company

Co-Lab acts as a hub, supporting the digital eco-system in Harrogate. They provide growing businesses with access to funding, advice/mentoring, and the opportunity to use their network to collaborate with businesses and organisations across Leeds, and Harrogate. Co-Lab also offers SME’s the opportunity to access a range of programmes that can help digital and tech businesses thrive, using tailored professional advice on important topics such as; raising finance, finding talent and developing skills, and utilising local tech infrastructure.

Sixth Form Vending Machine Installation

Improving Student Lifestyles

More than anything we wanted to showcase some of the vending installations we have implemented so far in this year. This fantastic hydration station in a sixth form in a Bradford looks great, fits nicely in the available space, and offers students the chance to pick up a quick drink on the way to their next class, or to wind down during their free periods.

Alistair Forbes

SME Growth Manager, Harrogate Borough Council

“The Co-Lab space is used by a number of small businesses, so we needed a drinks machine that could provide us with a high quality of beverage, consistently, that was easy to maintain. Luckily, Livewell managed to find the perfect solution for us, and our machine performs even better than what I had imagined.”

The Solution

At Livewell Vending, we know that the little things matter. Coffee that is easy to access and tastes great really can make that crucial difference in any work environment. By providing this coffee machine within this workspace, Co-Lab have demonstrated they are looking out for their own by providing this fantastic service to them, for free.

That one cup of coffee can really make a difference too. As a professional, being able to take those few moments for yourself, enveloping yourself into a delicious beverage, can centre yourself in times of stress, giving you the opportunity to refocus, reenergise, and ultimately be more productive.

Aaron Prout

Managing Director, Livewell Vending

“We wanted to give Co-Lab a hot drinks vending machine that would fit snugly in their space, and outperform the competition. We decided to go with the Vitro S1, the perfect machine for small businesses that need their caffeine fix”

The Vitro S1 automatic coffee machine was chosen which is perfect for smaller offices like Co-Lab, as well as convenience stores, quick service restaurants, or anywhere that wants to serve high quality espresso-based drinks up to 60 times a day. 

The Vitro S1 has all these great features:

  1. Espresso brewing system to produce fresh bean to cup coffee
  2. Easy to refill coffee beans and soluble ingredients
  3. Seamless and compact design
  4. In built, and easy to refill, water tank
  5. Simple to clean and maintain
  6. Suitable for locations requiring up to 60 drinks per day

Download the Vitro S1 brochure here, learn more about our coffee machine options, or get in touch to find the right solution for you!

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Bringing People Back to Work: Flutter

Flutter and Livewell

The Brief

The Coronavirus pandemic pushed more of the nation’s workforce into their homes, and into isolation. Telephone and Zoom calls became the new standard for interaction. Today, isolation has now been lifted and workers are being encouraged to return to the office. Some are excited to go back to work, but may be apprehensive about how safe it is. Others may not want to return to work at all, as they are content with this change in lifestyle. Either way, Flutter wanted to cultivate an office culture, and create a workspace, where people feel comfortable, entertained, content, and willing, to return to the office whether on a full-time or hybrid basis.

Flutter Office Refreshment Area

Opened in August 2021, the Flutter offices are located in Wellington Place, Leeds, and include seven floors of unique open plan desk space, with a recreational space on the top floor boasting an outdoor balcony and a gaming station. Their open plan contemporary office space operates as a hub for a tech and digital company that has grown quickly to become a market leader in the betting and gaming world. Flutter developed this incredible space over a two-year period, in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, which created further considerations for the design and facilities.

The new Flutter offices in Leeds are buzzing with young professionals working hard to thrill, excite, and entertain their customers. As we slowly move further from the dread of the Pandemic, Flutter has begun to use a hybrid approach to their working situation. Team members work from home when they need quiet and concentration, but come into the office when they need to engage with other team members, creating an environment where members of the team can be happier and more effective in the work place.

In addition to creating an attractive, practical workspace to inspire dynamic individuals and teams, the space needs to ensure the workforce feel safe and welcome back to an office environment after a sustained period of home working. To encourage people to come into more, Flutter decided to further enhance this already incredible space, with premier, top of the line refreshment and vending equipment to deliver the best possible goods and services to their employees, whilst maintaining a safe, comfortable environment.

Rob Sweeney

UK Regional Workspace Manager at Flutter Entertainment Plc

Flutter is fully endorsing hybrid working. We want people to feel safe and secure in their working environment, and we don’t want to take people away from the advantages of working from home. However, if we can create a space where people want to come into work, then we can encourage that effective, valuable, face-to-face engagement that nobody can have on any online chat.

Coffee Breakout Area

The Proposal

As well as the seventh floors’ recreational space, the offices contain five main workplace break areas, and a central coffee area. These are the hub of the workspace on each floor providing space for a break from deskwork, a chance to get refreshments and have those all-important informal social interactions with colleagues. After a year of Zoom, this in-person contact is something many employees have missed, and something all office spaces need to provide in order to leverage the advantages of coming into the office compared to home working.

Office Vending Machines 

The smart vending equipment is absolutely premium, for example, the sleek modern machines include features such as; 

  1. temperature control
  2. contactless options creating a low contact environment for Covid safety.
  3. touchscreen to display information and make purchases
  4. remote access so Livewell can analyse and monitor the products purchased more effectively and efficiently enabling us to manage and maintain the products and equipment
Vending Machine

Vending Products

Automated self-serve vending machines contain a range of popular branded products, as well as a variety of healthier options. These machines provide a high standard of refreshment, with a large selection of modern choices. The Hydration and Snack Stations sit neatly in alcoves and provide quick and easy acres to refreshments with a contactless payment system to suit the accelerated post-covid switch away from cash. The Hydration Station contains a variety of drink options to satisfy anybody’s thirst. The Snack Stations provide a multitude of snack options to satisfy that midday craving.

Coffee Machines 

The coffee machines Livewell installed are just as impressive as the vending equipment. The machines Livewell provided Flutter include; 

  1.  top end, fresh milk and fresh beans
  2.  milk injection technology to create premium results
  3.  a full menu of coffee shop quality coffees and hot chocolate drinks, including cold frappé options, and Galaxy Hot Chocolate

These clean, easy-to-use machines are perfect for providing a range of coffee choices for young professionals. In addition, the ‘distance selection’ menu selection allows staff to place their cup and make their choice without the need to touch the machine at any point – great for those concerned about touch points.

Aaron Prout

MD, Livewell Vending

At Livewell, we carefully source the top end machines, and augment them with the latest technologies that enable us to work smarter and more efficiently. Satisfaction is our priority, so we always try to provide the highest quality and widest range of products possible, giving people popular brands to choose from, and healthier options to keep people happy. We even created our own Livewell Medium Roast Coffee so we know we can provide the best hot drinks possible.


All-in-all Livewell provided Flutter with eleven different premium and/or bespoke vending machines, and 6 exceptional top-of-the-line coffee machines. The vending machines contain a range of popular branded products for everybody to enjoy, as well as a variety of healthier options. The machines provided were a combination of the Coffee Station, Snack Station, Hydration Station, and a combination machine on floor seven tailored to the specific needs of that breakout space. 

Flutter had specific ideas about what they wanted for their space, and Livewell were happy to deliver. Livewell provided bespoke vending models specifically designed to accommodate the alcove spaces in the building, sourcing slimmer yet equally effective models, proving Livewell’s dedication to their clients, and the lengths they will take to provide a service that excels. These particular machines are embedded within the office space which is convenient, looks great, and is stylistically perfect for Flutter’s sleek new offices.


Within these breakout spaces, Livewell Vending have provided a range of food and drink options throughout this space to enrichen the work environment and refresh and sustain the lively, energetic workforce that populate the space. While Flutter continues to develop their hybrid working style, they are bringing people back to work using the contemporary workspace and by providing refreshment services to the staff that work there.

Flutter is at the forefront of developing the post-modern office space and hybridised working style, catapulting from the Coronavirus pandemic. They know that isolation has changed not only how people do their work, but how they think about their work. People are happy with the time and the space that working from home provides them. However, the workspace still has value, providing a space for face-to-face interactions that build the company, as well as build the individuals within it, to meet and develop upon ideas and each other in a way that a Microsoft Teams meeting could never do. For Flutter, this is the new normal. A hybridised working style, supplemented by a premium office space, with top-tier refreshment services to optimise performance and boost morale.  

Are you looking for a vending solution for your office environments? Complete our Solution Wizard or contact us to discuss your requirements further. 

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The Complete Coffee Solution: Hospital Case Study

Flutter and Livewell

Barista-quality coffee with fresh milk | >7000 drinks dispensed per month | <45 seconds per drink | 

A leading hospital in Yorkshire approached Livewell, as a local vending and coffee supplier, seeking to improve the hot drinks provision within the main bistro in the lobby of the hospital. 


The café bistro team had experienced difficulties with the coffee machines they had in place, both in terms of reliability and also efficiency of operating in a busy location producing 7000 drinks a month. As well as replacing the equipment, the team also wanted to improve the range and quality of coffee served to staff and visitors, by reviewing the ingredients. Finally, they wanted to have in place a promotion and marketing plan to support the launch of the new, improved offering.


In terms of equipment, Livewell Coffee recommended the installation of two Gaggia La Radiosa coffee machines. Incorporating a ground-breaking EvoMilk fresh milk system. These Italian-made machines provide a class-leading automated solution that delivers barista-quality coffee at the touch of a button. Additional feature benefits included: 

  • – 10″ full HD touchscreens which can display multiple pages of up to 12 selections per page, plus logos, notices, videos etc…
  • – 2 beans (medium roast and decaf) + 1 soluble (chocolate) layout 
  • – 4.5-litre capacity glass front milk fridges 
  • – Dispenses drinks in < 45 seconds 
  • – Energy saving set up with ‘A’ rated efficiency and easy cleaning cycle 
  • – A 3-year maintenance service contract including all parts and labour 

Livewell Coffee installed the machines less than 4 weeks after the initial order and full staff training was provided on the day.


Following the installation, a taste test was arranged to compare the specialist medium roast and decaf coffee beans from Livewell Coffee with the café bistro’s current beans, sourced from a general food wholesale supplier. 

Present at the tasting session were the Head of Facilities, Director, Deputy Catering Manager, Assistant FOH Manager and Front-of-House Catering Manager.

It was a unanimous decision that the beans from Livewell Coffee (with the smoothest of tastes and just a hint of caramel and berries!) produced far superior coffees and had the added benefit of being roasted within the heart of Yorkshire. 

Therefore, it was agreed that Livewell Coffee would supply the coffee beans going forward and would also supply both the 8oz and 12oz paper cups for the bistro. The chosen cups were twin-walled to provide great drink insulation and included a paper lid so that everything could be recycled together, which tied in nicely with the net zero strategy of the hospital


Livewell Coffee provided the café bistro with three promotional campaign concepts to choose from, all designed to promote the introduction of the new machines, the improved drink quality and the new environmentally friendly cups to patients, visitors and staff. 

Once a concept was chosen, framed A1 posters and table talkers were designed, printed and installed, As well as promoting the benefits of the new coffee offer, they also incorporated a hot drinks menu, showing the full range of drink choices, and prices for both visitors and staff. An MP4 video was also produced, for the hospital to share across all its social platforms. 


Livewell Coffee provided a full coffee solution for the café bistro that not only increased efficiency but also improved the quality of its products, as well as incorporating a more environmentally friendly approach. The implementation of the project had a swift turnaround and was managed extremely efficiently, demonstrating the benefits of working with a local supplier.

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Leisure Centre Case Study: Brimhams Active Harrogate

Hydration & Nutrition available whenever the leisure facility is open

Brimhams Active, the council-owned health and wellbeing company, runs leisure facilities within the region. The Harrogate Leisure and Wellness Centre underwent a £13.5 million renovation. This includes a 400 square metre fitness centre, a new sauna and steam suite, improved reception and café, as well an overhaul of the existing gym, spin, leisure and swimming facilities. As part of the project Brimhams Active wanted people using the centre to be able to hydrate and have nutritional snacks whenever they needed them. They approach Livewell Vending as their ethos is to provide healthy eating and drinking via vending.

The Objectives

With many visitors to the centres, and long opening hours, Brimhams wanted a vending service at each site to offer hot drinks, cold drinks and snacks during the opening hours of the leisure facility. To support the overall wellbeing objectives, they were very clear that the drinks and snacks provided needed to meet their health standards. They wanted centre members and visitors to have access to healthier options as well as products to enhance exercise recovery. With a proven experience of providing healthier products, Livewell Vending were selected to provide the service to the newly developed Leisure and Wellbeing centres

THE SOLUTION – Equipment and Branding

State of the art touchscreen vending machines providing chilled drinks, healthy snacks and variety of hot drinks.

  • Livewell Hydration Station providing sugar free cold drinks, all using recyclable bottles
  • Livewell Snack Station providing a healthier range of nutritional snacks supplied and stocked by Livewell
  • Livewell Coffee Station providing a range of coffees, tea and hot chocolate

To enhance the appearance further, the machines are housed in a set of surrounds with Brimhams Active branding. As well as creating a polished finish, in line with the new, modern look of the centres, the surrounds also provide the opportunity to promote the stated wellbeing messages to visitors

THE SOLUTION – Technology

  • Customers have a full touchscreen interface on all machines making the snack and drink purchase quick and easy
  • Purchases can be made using contactless payments, such as debit cards, ApplePay etc.
  • Livewell use telemetry to access live reporting of usage, sales and operational performance. This data enables them to optimise the product selection choices and quantities as well as planning efficient replenishment of stock

This data is freely accessible also to Brimhams Active which was a welcome feature as it allows them to independently review sales and performance

THE SOLUTION – Commercial

As an expert supply partner Livewell see to all the ongoing stocking and maintenance of the vending machines. Their software ensures that the machines are always re stocked and customer preferences can be monitored by site. This service is provided on a no cost basis and Brimhams receive commission payments from Livewell three times per year. The vending has proved to be very popular and the healthier products are selling well, resulting in a service offering which is both wellbeing focussed and commercially sound.